
subject: Gaussian quadrature subject: Computer Science subject: weight functions

Total is 46 Results
Gauss quadrature rules


Walter Gautschi ORCID logo


Variable-precision Matlab routine for generating the nodes and weights of a Gaussian quadrature rule

Computation of recurrence coefficients and special Gaussian quadrature rules Computer Science Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions

Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for weight functions with algebraic/logarithmic singularities


Walter Gautschi ORCID logo


A set of MATLAB scripts related to Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for weight functions with algebraic/logarithmic singularities

Christoffel function Computer Science Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions

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