
subject: Hurricanes subject: Climate Change

Total is 3 Results
Code for tropical cyclone wind profile model of Chavas et al (2015, JAS)


Daniel Robert Chavas ORCID logo


This code will output a tropical cyclone near-surface wind profile as defined in Chavas et al (2015, JAS); MATLAB or python version

Climate Change damage EAPS hazard Hurricanes impact Risk assessment tropical cyclone wind field wind profile

Data for Chavas Camargo Tippett 2025 JC tropical cyclone ventilated genesis potential index


Daniel Robert Chavas ORCID logo


Data files for the figures in Chavas Camargo Tippett (2025, JC). Chavas, D.R., Camargo, S.J. and Tippett, M.K., 2025. Tropical cyclone genesis potential using a ventilated potential intensity. Journal of Climate.

Climate Change Global Climate Models Hurricanes Risk Analysis tropical cyclone

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