subject: Gilles Deleuze subject: Chetien de Troyes subject: territorialized semiotic components
Charles Joseph Stivale , Daniel W Smith , Gilles Deleuze
Seminar of 10 sessions, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes University, filmed for RAI-3 television by Marielle Burkhalter. The fifth lecture was presented 13 January 1976 (date approximate).
20th Century French Philosophy A Thousand Plateaus becoming-animal becoming-masochist black hole Chetien de Troyes courtly love Deleuze Recordings Deleuze Seminars FĂ©lix Guattari Franz Kafka Georges Comtesse Gilles Deleuze Heinrich von Kleist Henry Miller Philosophy rhizomatic method Samuel Beckett territorialized semiotic components the chivalric novel the Negus white wall
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