VIdeo of Soft Drink Delivery
Ergonomics Health Sciences Human Factors Nutrition Video Exposure Monitoring
This includes symbolic versions of some of the more important OPQ routines.
Airy weight function Bose-Einstein distribution Chebyshev-type quadratures Classical weight functions Computer Science Fermi Dirac weight Function Freud weight function Gauss-type quadrature rules Hermite weight function Jacobi weight functions K-Bessel weight function Laguerre weight functions Mathematics Matlab OPQ routine Orthogonal polynomials Perl Script quadrature Software source code Walter Gautschi Archives Walter Gautschi Selected Works
Matlab toolbox for separating the fractal (scale-free) component and oscillatory component in the power spectrum from the mixed time series
Michael Fosmire
Ruth Wertz
Senay Purzer
The CELT download includes the blueprint for writing assessment items, and the content of the assessment itself. This version (4.1) includes 2 parts, one on an engineering topic, and one on a biology topic.
Assessment Education Engineering Education Environmental Engineering
Supplementary material for the publication entitled “Impact of the MLL1 Morphemes on Codon Utilization and Preservation in CpG Islands.” Bina, M, Wyss P. Biopolymers in press.
Biochemistry Bioinformatics Chemistry Coding sequences Codon bias Codon selection Codon utilization CpG islands Exon Exons Genomics Human Genome MLL1 morphemes in CDSs MLL1 morphemes in exons Morphemes MLL1 Overlapping codes Regulatory codes in DNA Trithorax response elements
Multiple-choice, grade 4 appropriate assessment of science and engineering content knowledge associated with the Engineering is Elementary unit, A Stick in the Mud: Evaluating a Landscape.
Education elementary student assessment Engineering Education
Alexander M. Hainen
Andrew Sydelko
Darcy M. Bullock
David Burford
Michael Witt
Two iconic buildings on the Purdue University campus, the Engineering Administration Building and the retired Heating and Power Plant-North, were targeted for demolition in 2012 to make way for the construction of the Active Learning Center.
Active Learning Center Building Construction Management building demolition Civil Engineering Construction Engineering and Management ENAD Demolition ENADALC Engineering Administration Building Heat and Power Plant-North Purdue University
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the spectral separability of spring wheat and other cover types common to western North Dakota.
Agriculture Crop Science Crops Exotech 100 Exotech 20C-SW LARS radiometer Remote Sensing soil Soil Science solar illumination spectral observations spectrometer winter wheat
Alexander M. Hainen
Andrew Sydelko
Darcy M. Bullock
David Burford
Michael Witt
Two iconic buildings on the Purdue University campus, the Engineering Administration Building and the retired Heating and Power Plant-North, were targeted for demolition in 2012 to make way for the construction of the Active Learning Center.
Active Learning Center ALC Construction Building Construction Management Civil Engineering Construction Engineering and Management ENADALC Engineering Administration Building Purdue University
Alexander M. Hainen
Andrew Sydelko
Darcy M. Bullock
David Burford
Michael Witt
Two iconic buildings on the Purdue University campus, the Engineering Administration Building and the retired Heating and Power Plant-North, were targeted for demolition in 2012 to make way for the construction of the Active Learning Center.
Active Learning Center ALC Construction Building Construction Management Civil Engineering Construction Engineering and Management ENADALC Purdue University
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