
date: 2020

Total is 178 Results
Monitored soil moisture and temperature in Indiana crop rotated field


Keith A Cherkauer ORCID logo , Laura C Bowling ORCID logo , Stuart D Smith


Soil moisture and temperature data were collected at five different depths from October 2017 to September 2020 in a crop rotated field.

Agricultural and Biological Engineering Agriculture Environment Hydrology Indiana Soil Moisture Soil Temperature Time Series Climate Data

Geometric Spacecraft Formations Establishment Animations


Sylvain Renevey ORCID logo


Animations of the establishment of different geometric spacecraft formations using a control algorithm based on artificial potential function and relative orbital elements methodologies.

aerospace artificial potential function relative orbital elements spacecraft control spacecraft formations

Rising methane emissions from boreal lakes due to increasing ice-free days


Mingyang Guo ORCID logo , Narasinha Shurpali , Pertti Martikainen , Pirkko Kortelainen , Qianlai Zhuang ORCID logo , Sari Juutinen , Zeli Tan


This publication includes model output of a lake biogeochemistry model ALBM, and data analysis codes which were used for paper 'Rising methane emissions from boreal lakes due to increasing ice-free days' by Guo et al. in Environmental Research...

Boreal lake Climate Change EAPS Methane Emission

ABAQUS Python Code for the Simulation of Topologically Interlocked Material Systems Based on Archimedean and Laves Tilings


Andrew Williams , Thomas H. Siegmund ORCID logo


A set of six python scripts that parametrically generate ABAQUS models to simulate the response of TIM systems based on the Archimedean and Laves tilings subjected to body force and displacement loading. These were created for a Master's Thesis at...

Abaqus Finite Element Analysis Finite Element Model Mechanical Engineering Python Code Tesselation Topologically Interlocked Material

Competing Topographic Mechanisms


Matthew Huber ORCID logo , Rene Paul Acosta ORCID logo


The Indo-Asian Monsoon (IAM) circulation is an exemplar for how tectonic processes interact with regional climate systems. This study aims to identify the impact of orography on the IAM using high-resolution models.

CESM Climate Earth and Atmospheric Sciences High-resolution Himalayas Monsoon Paleoclimate Tibet

Dataset describing monarch larval and adult choice for milkweed host-plants varying in pesticides


Ian Kaplan ORCID logo , Michael E Scharf ORCID logo , Paola Olaya-Arenas ORCID logo


Includes three Excel files for: i) laboratory experiment testing early-instar larval feeding preference; ii) greenhouse experiment assessing adult oviposition preference; and iii) field correlation between leaf pesticide concentrations and...

agroecosystems behavioral response butterfly Entomology milkweed monarchs pesticides pollinators

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Results 1 - 10 of 178