Python scripts and video versions of figures from the dissertation "The Impact of Erosion on Exhumation and Structural Configuration in Mountain Belts: Insights From Image Velocimetry Analysis of Coulomb Wedge Models" by Phiala Thouvenin
EAPS Erosion exhumation geophysics particle image velocimetry particle tracking structural geology
Adriana Larrea Valdivia
EfraĆn Palma Arhuir
Elizabeth Olson
Greg Michalski
Jonathan DeGraw
Juan Reyes Larico
Lino Morales Paredes
Lisa Welp
We analyzed daily rainfall in the southern Peruvian city of Arequipa for water stable isotopes during the 2019 monsoon season to study sub-seasonal precipitation dynamics including time-varying moisture source influence.
Andes EAPS flooding hydrogen isotopes moisture source orographic oxygen isotopes Precipitation South American Summer Monsoon stable isotopes western cordillera
Daniel Robert Chavas
Daniel Thomas Dawson
Code to produce an idealized severe convective storm (SCS) environmental sounding as described in the paper Chavas and Dawson (2021, JAS).
Climate convection EAPS Environment idealized modeling numerical modeling severe convective storms severe thunderstorms severe weather sounding
Alexander Laskin
Ana Morales
Andrew Whelton
Brandon Boor
Brian O'Callahan
Brianna Peterson
Christopher West
Felipe Rivera-Adorno
Jay Tomlin
John Howarter
Patrick El-Khoury
Ryan Moffet
Seyedeh Sendesi
Steven Sharpe
Swarup China
Yoorae Noh
Common technology of sewer pipe repairs emits airborne nanoplastic particles at significant scale that may impact the environment and air quality in urban areas.
airborne particles Chemistry EAPS environmental nanoplastics urban emissions
Alexandra Meyer
Lisa Welp-Smith
A laboratory experiment testing the water vapor isotopic memory of a few common air intake tubing materials (PFA, FEP, PTFE, HDPE, and copper). e-folding times are quantified at 2 different temperatures.
carryover deuterium excess EAPS isotopic Los Gatos memory effect water isotopes Water Vapor
Douglas R Schmitt
Wenjing Wang
A Matlab-based algorithm that picks breakout azimuth and width from ultrasonic image logs automatically
breakout EAPS ultrasonic image log wellbore stability analysis
This study simulates the C dynamics of northern peatlands during1990-2300. Before 2100, northern peatlands are a C source under all climate scenarios except for the mildest one. Afterwards, northern peatlands under all scenarios are C sources.
Bailu Zhao
Qianlai Zhuang
Steve Frolking
This dataset is used to reproduce the results in Modeling carbon accumulation and greenhouse gas emissions of northern peatlands since the Holocene. The dataset includes simulated pan-Arctic peat thickness, soil C stock and historical permafrost...
EAPS Holocence norhtern peatlands P-TEM Permafrost Python Code
This data contains model output of net primary production (NPP), heterotrophic respiration (RH), foliage projection cover (FPC) and soil temperature.
This data contains the processed model output of methane emission from the ALBM and TEM-MDM models.
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