
type: registeredDataset date: 2023

Total is 2 Results
Data for Gravity Driven Chemical Dynamics in a Single Fracture


Zhenyu Xu , Hongfan Cao , Seonkyoo Yoon , Peter Kang , Young-Shin Jun , Timothy Kneafsey , Julie Sheets , David Cole , Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte


Fluid mixing and carbonate mineral distributions in fractures are controlled by gravity-driven chemical dynamics. Here, we provide images recorded during miscible reactive and non-reactive flow experiments in a uniform aperture fracture for different fract...

Fractures miscible flow calcium carbonate precipitation fracture inclination CO2 sequestration mixing in a fracture Experimental Tests Simulations

Challenge Data Set for the Damage Mechanics Challenge


Liyang Jiang , Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte , Antonio Bobet , Hongkyu Yoon , Joseph Morris


This data set includes load-displacement data, X-ray tomographic images, Digital Image Correlation data and surface roughness data for the Challenge geometry. The experimental methods are the same as those described for the Calibration data set (see: Jia...

Fractures brittle fracture 3D Xray Tomographic Images of Fractures Digital Image Correlation during Fracturing Fracture Geometry Fracture Mechanics Geomechanics phase field method discrete element method

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