Megan Haas
Ronald F. Turco
Sara Peel
Water quality data collected from the Lafayette area watershed in 2014. There are five samples sites located on Little Pine Creek, Elliot Ditch, Little Wea Creek and two sites on the Wabash River.
Agronomy Algae Ammonia Crop Science Discharge Dissolved Oxygen Elliot Ditch Enterococci Escherichia coli Flow Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Lafayette Little Pine Creek Little Wea Creek Orthophosphate pH Soil Science Specific Conductivity Temperature Total Coliforms Turbidity Wabash River Water Quality Watershed
Megan Haas
Ronald Turco
Sara Peel
Water quality data collected from the Lafayette area watershed in 2015. There are five samples sites located on Little Pine Creek, Elliot Ditch, Little Wea Creek and two sites on the Wabash River.
Agronomy Algae Ammonia Crop Science Discharge Dissolved Oxygen Elliot Ditch Enterococci Escherichia coli Flow Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Lafayette Little Pine Creek Little Wea Creek Orthophosphate pH Soil Science Specific Conductivity Temperature Total Coliforms Turbidity Wabash River Water Quality Watershed
Data from several studies on the influence of phosphorus and potassium nutrition on alfalfa. It includes numeric data such as yield, plant mass, plant counts, and tissue concentration of various nutrients
Agronomy Crop Science Forage legumes Nutritive value Soil Fertility Soil Science Winter hardiness Yield components
B. C. Joern
Jeffrey J. Volenec
K. D. Johnson
S. Lissbrant
Suzanne M Cunningham
Sylvie M. Brouder
W. K. Berg
Data from several studies on the influence of phosphorus and potassium nutrition on alfalfa. It includes numeric data such as yield, plant mass, plant counts, and tissue concentration of various nutrients
Agronomy Crop Science Forage legumes Nutritive value Soil Fertility Soil Science Winter hardiness Yield components
Darrell Schulze , Nicole Kong , Shirley Li
Soil Explorer is an interactive mapping tool built on publicly available soil data from a variety of sources. Viewers can zoom in on a number of states and global regions, and explore data on soil moisture, temperature, drainage and many other facets. The...
Soil Science Digital Soil Mapping Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Maps
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