
Total is 1939 Results
Long-term naturalized streamflow for six sites in the Upper Wabash River basin


Laura C Bowling ORCID logo , Sanoar Rahman ORCID logo


Naturalized streamflow data for six sites in the Upper Wabash Basin were estimated from January 1, 1961, to September 27, 2023, using the modified drainage-area ratio method.

Dam Environmental change Future mitigation Long-term data Modified Drainage-Area Ratio Method Reservoir management Wabash River basin Naturalized streamflow

North Central Region Household Data. NCR-Stat: Caregiving Survey


Carrie Henning-Smith , Florence Becot , Jennifer Finders , Leacey Brown , Selena Caldera ORCID logo , Shoshanah Inwood , Steven Cohen , Zuzana Bednarik ORCID logo


The NCRCRD, Ohio State University, and the National Farm Medicine Center collected household data for the North Central Region to learn more about individuals and families who provide child, adult, and/or elder caregiving.

Adult Caregiving Child Caregiving Community Education Elder Caregiving Household Household Demographics Non-caregiving North Central Region Rural Survey Urban

ABAQUS Code for the Simulation of Scutoid Interlocked Material Systems


Tanner Ballance ORCID logo , Thomas H Siegmund ORCID logo


This data set contains input files for the simulation and analysis of scutoid-based Topologically Interlocked Material systems together with those for a reference system with tetrahedra building blocks.

Abaqus Finite Element Analysis Scutoids Topologically Interlocked Material

Data for A retrospective feasibility study of agricultural education in Africa using YouTube multilingual animations


Anne Lutomia ORCID logo , Barry Robert Pittendrigh , John William Medendorp ORCID logo , Julia Bello-Bravo ORCID logo , Norman Peter Reeves ORCID logo , Victor Giancarlo Sal y Rosas Celi


The goal of this study is to assess the feasibility of reaching language-diverse populations in Africa using culturally and linguistically localized, computer-animated training videos placed on YouTube and promoted through paid advertising.

Agricultural Education Ghana ICT4D. Information and communication technologies Kenya Learning at-scale Nigeria Precision international development youtube

Heatmap: Spatiotemporal Traffic Speed Graphics using Connected Vehicle Data


Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Jairaj Chetas Desai ORCID logo , Jijo Kulathintekizhakethil Mathew ORCID logo , Rahul Suryakant Sakhare ORCID logo


Visualization of connected vehicle trajectory data along a work zone on Indiana interstate I-69 in northbound direction for 15 miles section from mile marker location 245 to 260 using connected vehicle records on Thursday, May 11, 2023.

Big Data Connected Vehicle Data Heatmap highway traffic monitoring transportation engineering Workzone

Smelt fatty acid and stable isotope data from three Swedish large lakes


Alfred Sandström , Martin Ogonowski , Nicholas Kalejs , Thomas Axenrot , Tomas O. Höök ORCID logo


These data are for individual Eurasian smelt collected in three large lakes in Sweden. The total length of individual fish is provided along with delta13C and delta15N stable isotope ratios and proportional composition (by mass) of the most abundant fatty

Fatty Acid Fisheries Rainbow Smelt Stable Isotope

The effect of CO2 and Far-red on distinctive stages of indoor lettuce crop production


Cary Mitchell , Erik Runkle , Fatemeh Sheibani ORCID logo


The dataset includes end-point growth parameters collected for various stages of early-lettuce crops produced in indoor conditions.

Controlled environment agriculture far-red radiation Physiology red pigmentation analysis

Chavas Knaff Klotzbach 2024 Pmin prediction model


Daniel Robert Chavas ORCID logo


A simple model for predicting tropical cyclone minimum central pressure from intensity and size

Hurricanes Risk assessment tropical cyclone weather forecasting

Effects of Perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) on amphibian body and liver condition: Is lipid metabolism being perturbed throughout metamorphosis?


Abby Valachovic , Anna G. Bushong ORCID logo , C. Melman Neill ORCID logo , Maria S. Sepúlveda ORCID logo , Meredith Scherer , Sophia R. Horn , Tyler D Hoskins , Youn Jeong Choi ORCID logo


PFAS may interact with peroxisome proliferator activated receptors and alter lipid homeostasis. Using the model Xenopus laevis, we investigated the effect of PPFAS on lipid homeostasis.

Amphibian Ecotoxicology aquatic toxicology liver PFAS PPARs xenopus laevis

Serpentinite weathering in Puerto Rico


Angus Moore ORCID logo , Darryl Granger , K. Stephen Hughes , Kimberly Méndez


Data on hydrology, weathering, and erosion in serpentinite watersheds in Puerto Rico collected 2020-2022.

Cosmogenic nuclides Earth system Erosion Puerto Rico Serpentinite Ultramafic rock weathering

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Results 1661 - 1670 of 1939