subject: Walter Gautschi Archives type: dataset
A stable and efficient discretization procedure is developed to compute recurrence coefficients for orthogonal polynomials whose weight function is a polynomial cardinal B-spline of order greater than, or equal to, one.
B-spline Computer Science Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the (normalized) weight function w(x)=c*x^(-5/6)e^(-x)Ai((3x/2)^(2/3)) on [0,Inf], c=2^(-1/6)*3^(1/6)/pi^(1/2), where Ai is the Airy function
Airy weight function Computer Science Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Quadrature and cubature formulas Walter Gautschi Archives
Matlab scripts for a discrete top-down Markov problem in approximation theory
approximation theory Computer Science Mathematics polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives
This includes symbolic versions of some of the more important OPQ routines.
Airy weight function Bose-Einstein distribution Chebyshev-type quadratures Classical weight functions Computer Science Fermi Dirac weight Function Freud weight function Gauss-type quadrature rules Hermite weight function Jacobi weight functions K-Bessel weight function Laguerre weight functions Mathematics Matlab OPQ routine Orthogonal polynomials Perl Script quadrature Software source code Walter Gautschi Archives Walter Gautschi Selected Works
INERFC: Evaluation of the Repeated Integrals of the Coerror Function by Half-Range Gauss-Hermite Quadrature
Coerror Function Computer Science Mathematics Mathematics Education Matlab Quadrature and cubature formulas Walter Gautschi Archives
Dataset contains matlab scripts for a paper dealing with the ILA monotonicity property for zeros of ultraspherical polynomials.
Computer Science Mathematics Matlab monotonicity polynomials ultraspherical polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives
32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=((1-om2*x^2)*(1-x^2))^(-1/2) on [-1,1], om2=1/2
Chebyshev weight function Computer Science Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
Bernstein’s inequality for Jacobi polynomials is analyzed here analytically and computationally with regard to validity and sharpness
Bernstein’s inequality Computer Science Erdelyi–Magnus–Nevai conjecture Jacobi polynomials Mathematics Matlab Orthogonal polynomials Sharpness Software source code Walter Gautschi Archives
Inequalities for the largest zero of Jacobi polynomials are here extended to all zeros of Jacobi polynomials, and new relevant conjectures are formulated.
Computer Science Gauss quadrature approximation Inequalities Jacobi polynomials Mathematics Matlab Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives zeros
Matlab routines for computing Gauss Quadrature rules with logarithmic weight functions
Computer Science Gaussian quadrature Jacobi weight functions Logarithmic weight functions Mathematics Matlab Modified Chebyshev algorithm Orthogonal polynomials Software source code Variable-precision arithmetic Walter Gautschi Archives
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