Jeffrey S Dukes
Michael Schuster
These data on seedling size, soil nutrient and water availability, and leaf area index are analyzed by Schuster and Dukes in "Rainfall variability counteracts N addition by promoting invasive Lonicera maackii and extending phenology in...
Amur honeysuckle Climate Change Forestry and Natural Resources grassland growth Nitrogen phenology Pin oak Precipitation
Chloe de Perre
Jason T. Hoverman
Linda S. Lee
Maria Sepulveda
Michael Iacchetta
Sarah Abercrombie
Wesley Flynn
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Sublethal effects of dermal exposure to poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances on post-metamorphic amphibians" by Abercrombie et al. published in Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry
anurans bioaccumulation body burden Forestry and Natural Resources growth PFAS salamanders
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Suzanne M. Cunningham
Sylvie M. Brouder
W. Kess Berg
Concentrations of sugar, starch, protein, amino N, and RNA change in alfalfa taproots as plants acclimate for winter and when shoot growth resumes in spring. The direction and extent of these changes are altered by phosphorus and potassium...
Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa Amino Acid growth Medicago Nonstructural carbohydrates Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant persistence Potassium Fertilizer Protein Roots Shoot growth Starch reserves Sugar reserves Winter hardiness Yield components
Ann Christine Caitlin
Chloe DePerre
Grace Coogan
Jason T. Hoverman
Linda S. Lee
Mahsa Modiri
Maria S. SepĂșlveda
Tyler D Hoskins
Wes Flynn
Youn Jeong Choi
We exposed Northern leopard frogs to mixtures of PFAS reflective of AFFF sites and found stage specific effects, including reduced body condition at day 21 and decreased mass relative to the control.
Amphibian Forestry and Natural Resources frogs growth PFAS PFOA PFOS
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