
subject: Biomedical Engineering type: dataset

Total is 41 Results
Animal Model Dependent Response to Pentagalloyl Glucose in Murine Abdominal Aortic Injury


Craig Goergen ORCID logo , Elizabeth Niedert ORCID logo , Ender Finol , Jennifer Anderson , Renxiang Tang , Riley Holloway , Sourav Patnaik ORCID logo , Vangelina Osteguin


This dataset accompanies the Journal of Clinical Medicine article by the same name ( and includes all data discussed therein. Please contact Craig Goergen with any questions at

abdominal aortic aneurysms Biomedical Engineering elastin pentagalloyl glucose ultrasound

Signal Processing Toolbox for Simultaneously Acquired fMRI and EEG


Rodrigo Castellanos , Zhongming Liu ORCID logo


This Matlab toolbox includes signal processing functions to remove gradient and pulse artifacts in EEG data recorded simultaneously with fMRI. It is distributed as a GUI plugin for EEGLAB.

Bioinformatics Biomedical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering fMRI-EEG independent component analysis Signal Processing Singular value decomposition

Drosophila Optical Stimulator - hardware files


Donald Ready , Taylor Zigon , Vikki Weake ORCID logo , Walter Leon-Salas , Xinping Chen ORCID logo


This publication contains the electronic files required to build an optical stimulator for fruit flies. The stimulator uses red and blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and an embedded computer to generate light at different power density levels.

Biomedical Engineering Drosophila Embedded System Engineering Technology Light-Emitting Diode Open Hardware Optical Stimulation

MicroCT based FE model of single bone trabeculae with tissue heterogeneity and anisotropy


Joseph Wallace , Matthew R Allen , Max Hammond , Thomas Siegmund ORCID logo


This publication contains a finite element model for the analysis of single bone trabeculae under consideration of bone tissue heterogeneity and tissue anisotropy.

Biomedical Engineering Bone Finite Element Analysis Mechanical Engineering

Drosophila Optical Stimulator - software files


Donald Ready , Taylor Zigon , Vikki Weake ORCID logo , Walter Leon-Salas , Xinping Chen ORCID logo


This publication contains the software required to build an optical stimulator for fruit flies. The stimulator uses red and blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and an embedded computer to generate light at different power density levels.

Biomedical Engineering Drosophila Embedded Software Embedded System Engineering Technology Optical Stimulation Python Code

Visualized layer-wise visual features in deep residual neural network


Haiguang Wen , Junxing Shi , Wei Chen , Zhongming Liu ORCID logo


Deep residual neural network is a brain-inspired computational model. 50 layers of neuron-like computational units are stacked into a bottom-up hierarchy. Features encoded at units are visualized for intuitively understanding the internal...

Biomedical Engineering deep learning natural vision Neural encoding Object Recognition

Signal Processing Toolbox for Simultaneously Acquired fMRI and EEG


Rodrigo Castellanos , Zhongming Liu ORCID logo


This Matlab toolbox includes signal processing functions to remove gradient and pulse artifacts in EEG data recorded simultaneously with fMRI. It is distributed as a GUI plugin for EEGLAB.

Bioinformatics Biomedical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering fMRI-EEG independent component analysis Signal Processing Singular value decomposition

Population-specific brain atlases for early-to-middle adolescent collision-sport athletes


Apekshya Chhetri , Ho-Ching Yang ORCID logo , Joseph V Rispoli ORCID logo , Pratik Kashyap , Thomas M Talavage ORCID logo , Wenbin Zhu , Yukai Zou ORCID logo


Population-specific brain atlases for early-to-middle adolescent collision-sport athletes in the longitudinal database of Purdue Neurotrauma Group, including cortical and white matter parcellations, T1-weighted templates, and a DTI template.

Adolescents Atlasing Biomedical Engineering Brain Informatics Morphometrics MRI Neuroscience NIfTI Spatial Normalization Statistical Methods Trauma Workflow

A multi-modality approach for enhancing 4D flow MRI via sparse representation


Jiacheng Zhang , Melissa Brindise , Michael Markl , Pavlos Vlachos , Sean Rothenberger ORCID logo , Vitaliy Rayz


Data and source code to enhance the blood flow measurements and the hemodynamic analysis with 4D flow MRI in cerebral aneurysms using multi-modality data and sparse representation.

Biomedical Engineering Cerebral Aneurysm CFD Fluid Mechanics MRI PIV

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