
subject: Chemistry

Total is 33 Results
Gas-Phase Folding of a Prototypical Protonated Pentapeptide: Spectroscopic Evidence for Formation of a Charge-stabilized Beta-Hairpin (Structures)


Andrew F. DeBlase , James G. Redwine , John R. Hopkins , Nicole Lyn Burke , Scott A. McLuckey , Timothy S. Zwier ORCID logo


Contains .log files for structures accompanying the paper titled: "Gas-Phase Folding of a Prototypical Protonated Pentapeptide: Spectroscopic Evidence for Formation of a Charge-stabilized β-Hairpin"

Beta-Hairpin Beta-turn Chemistry Ion Spectroscopy Leucine enkephalin Mass Spectrometry Spectroscopy

Differential Lipid Profiles of Normal Human Brain Matter and Gliomas by Positive and Negative Mode Desorption Electrospray Ionization – Mass Spectrometry Imaging


Aaron Cohen-Gadol , Alan Jarmusch , Clint Alfaro , Eyas Hattab , Robert Graham Cooks ORCID logo , Valentina Pirro


Desorption electrospray ionization - mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) imaging was used to analyze unmodified human brain tissue sections from 39 subjects sequentially in the positive and negative ionization modes.

Brain Cancer Chemistry Imaging Mass Spectrometry Neurology Pathology

Source Data for Organic Optoelectronic Synapse


Ashkan Abtahi , Habtom B Gobeze , Hang Hu , Inho Song , Jianguo Mei , Ke Chen ORCID logo , Kirk S. Schanze , Won-June Lee


Source data for manuscript 'Organic Optoelectronic Synapse Based on Photon-Modulated Electrochemical Doping ' ( 10.1038/s41566-023-01232-x)

Chemistry electrochemical device image memorization and recognition organic optoelectronic synapse

Interfacial Chemical Reactivity Enhancement


Dor Ben-Amotz ORCID logo


Prediction of the interfacially enhanced chemical reactivity in water droplets is facilitated by a combined theoretical and experimental analysis.

adsorption air-water Chemistry surface air Water

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Results 1 - 10 of 33