Robotic surgery Eye tracking Electroencephalogram Simulated training Performance
Applied Ergonomics EEG Eye tracking Industrial Engineering NASA TLX performance Robotics Surgery workload dataset
Daniel Wiersma
Jeffrey Volenec
Stanislav Pejša
Sylvie Brouder
Wayne G. Hartman
An archived copy of the Alfalfa Variety Performance Database originally compiled in 2000 by Daniel W. Wiersma and Wayne G. Hartman. It contains data on yield, quality, and plant stand for over 2900 varieties from 700+ experiments conducted from...
Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa alfalfa_db Biotic stress Crop yield Forage quality Genotype x environment insect resistance Lucerne Medicago Pathogen resistance performance persistence Winter hardiness yield improvement
Darcy M. Bullock
Enrique D. Saldivar-Carranza
Mark Taylor
Taylor Li
Vehicle trajectories sampled with LiDAR sensors at US-89 and 600 N in Salt Lake City, UT, from 15:49:25 to 17:14:00 hrs. (MT) on December 30, 2022.
LiDAR performance traffic signal trajectory Transportation systems
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