Liuying Du , Nikhil Sangwan , Venkatesh Mohan Merwade
This dataset provides a shapefile showing the natural floodplain for Michigan. These floodplain polygons for the entire state are extracted from the gSSURGO soil data from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
biota Environment floodplain maps Forestry and Natural Resources geoscientific GIS gSSURGO soil Data Hydrology inland water Michigan shapefile
Christos Gkartzonikas , Konstantina Gkritza , Lisa Lorena Losada-Rojas , Raul F. Elizondo Candanedo
This file contains areas designated as highly transportation disadvantaged in Chicago. This areas were outlined using three different measures and publicly available data. The methodology is replicable and can be used in different areas.
Autonomous Vehicles ccat Civil Engineering disadvantaged population GIS
Christos Gkartzonikas , Konstantina Gkritza , Lisa Lorena Losada-Rojas , Raul F. Elizondo Candanedo
This file contains areas designated as highly transportation disadvantaged in Indianapolis. These two areas were outlined using three different measures and publicly available data. The methodology is replicable and can be used in other cities.
Autonomous Vehicles ccat Civil Engineering disadvantaged population GIS
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