subject: Mustelidae type: dataset
Amanda Cheeseman
Ashley Burket
Blake Sasse
Catherine Dennison
Chad Williamson
Colleen Olfenbuttel
Courtney Anderson
David Jachowski
John Erb
Joseph Butfiloski
Joshua Tabora
Lisa Smith
Marketa Zimova
Michael Fies
Michael Joyce
Roland Kays
Scott M Bergeson
Stacy Cotey
Zach Farris
Weasel presence data collected using camera traps set in 66 sites (located in 14 states in eastern USA) during 2022-2023. Each site contained a cluster of 4 cameras baited with 2 different baits or lures, 2 cameras also had an extra lure applied.
attractant Biology camera trap distance sampling large-scale survey Mustela erminea Mustela nivalis Mustelidae Neogale frenata
Ashlyn Heniff
Brant Fisher
Erangi Heenkenda
Geriann Albers
James DeWoody
Data and the Supplementary materials for the paper: An eDNA Evaluation of North American River Otter Diet with Respect to Fishes
barcoding Forestry and Natural Resources Lonta canadensis metabarcoding Mustelidae predation stomach content
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