
subject: trematode

Total is 2 Results
Data for: Population-level variation in insecticide tolerance across three life stages of the trematode Echinostoma trivolvis


Jason Hoverman ORCID logo , Jessica Hua ORCID logo , Logan Billet ORCID logo , Rick Relyea ORCID logo , Vanessa P. Wuerthner


These data correspond to a paper entitled "Population-level variation in insecticide tolerance across three life stages of the trematode Echinostoma trivolvis" published in the journal Aquatic Toxicology in 2023.

carbamate echinostome insecticide sensitivity organophosphate trematode

Data from Benefits of Coinfection experiments


Jason T. Hoverman ORCID logo , Jessica Hua , Vanessa Wuerthner


These data correspond to a paper entitled "The benefits of coinfection: Trematodes alter disease outcomes associated with virus infection" by Wuerthner, Hua, and Hoverman published in the Journal of Animal Ecology

Anuran echinostomes Forestry and Natural Resources Frog Virus 3 helminth host-parasite interactions Ranavirus trematode

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