
subject: Invasive Species type: dataset

Total is 9 Results
Spatial patterns of discovery points and invasion hotspots of non-native forest pests


Andrew M. Liebhold , Samuel F. Ward ORCID logo , Songlin Fei ORCID logo


Spreadsheets and spatial data analyzed in "Spatial patterns of discovery points and invasion hotspots of non-native forest pests"

Forest Insects Forest Pathogens Forestry and Natural Resources Invasion Biology Invasive Species Spatial Ecology

Functional traits of non-native woody plants in the United States


Basil Iannone , Gabriela C Nunez-Mir , Qinfeng Guo , Songlin Fei ORCID logo


The dataset includes 45 functional traits of over 800 nonnative woody plant species in the U.S.

Forestry and Natural Resources Functional Traits Invasive Species

Data on native tree diversity (species richness and phylogenetic), biomass, relative density, tree height, and invasive plants in forests of the eastern USA


Basil Iannone , Christopher Oswalt , Insu Jo , Kevin Potter , Qinfeng Guo , Songlin Fei ORCID logo


The data published here are used to investigate the drivers of this heterogeneity in the context of known contributions of native trees to the resistance of forests in the eastern United States of America to plant invasions.

Biodiversity Biotic Resistance Forestry and Natural Resources Invasive Species Phylogenetic Diversity

Elucidating the history of anuran invasions: life history characteristics associated with range expansion in Florida


Andrew Joseph Mularo ORCID logo , James Andrew DeWoody ORCID logo , Ximena E Bernal ORCID logo


Publicly available data from VertNet and USGS for Rhinella marina and Osteopilus septentrionalis used for spatial analysis to track their invasion in Florida

biological sciences Invasion Invasive Species R Software Spatial Ecology

Native and invasive vegetation and soil data in the eastern US


Grant Domke , Insu Jo , Kevin Potter , Songlin Fei ORCID logo


Vegetation and soil data from the FIA Program, which includes vegetation attributes and soil and forest floor attributes of 288 permanent plots across the eastern USA

Forest Ecology Forestry and Natural Resources Invasive Species Mycorrhizal

Spotted knapweed spread and plant community changes in a lacustrine dune system


Jordan M Marshall ORCID logo


Spotted knapwed is a non-native species that has colonized the Grand Sable Dunes. Between survey years (2003-2018), it has become a dominant, important species in areas once uninvaded, may be facilitating stabilization and converging communities.

Biology Centaurea stoebe Ecology Great Lakes Invasive Species plant survey Sand Dunes Succession

Tolerance and avoidance responses to novel saline conditions in an invasive treefrog


Addy E Messerly ORCID logo , Ana V Longo , Andrew J Mularo , Ximena E Bernal ORCID logo


This study evaluates tolerance and avoidance responses to saline conditions in the Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis), an invasive anuran distributed throughout Florida.

Anuran Avoidance Behavior Invasive Species Physiology Salinity Salinity Tolerance

Introduction histories and climatic distribution patterns among three congeneric invasive anurans


Addy E Messerly ORCID logo , Andrew Joseph Mularo ORCID logo , Jackson Kirkwood , Ximena E Bernal ORCID logo


This study uses species occurrence data and climate data to understand the introduction histories of three invasive anurans and display the role of climate in the establishment success of invaders.

Anuran Climate Historical Reconstruction Invasive Species WorldClim

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Results 1 - 9 of 9